Partnership on AI expanding and reaching out

Facebook, Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft and Apple came together in last year to discuss advancements in artificial intelligence. This Partnership on AI is tasked with conducting research and promoting best practices. Twenty-two new organizations have now joined the Partnership on AI, with more to come in the future. These new organizations and their named representatives will support and work with the Partnership’s Board of Directors to share best practices and communicate openly about the benefits and risks of artificial intelligence research.

Of these, the for-profit Partners are eBay,Intel,McKinsey & Company,Salesforce,SAP,Sony, Zalando, and Cogitai. In addition to the new corporate partners, the group also announced that fourteen non-profits would be contributing to the organization. This group includes non-profits to help promote continued research in AI and ensure equality of access to its benefits. The full list of new non-profit partners includes the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, the AI Forum of New Zealand, the Centre for Democracy & Technology, the Centre for Internet and Society – India,Data Society Research Institute, the Digital Asia Hub, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Future of Humanity Institute, the Future of Privacy Forum, the Human Rights Watch, the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, UNICEF, Upturn, and the XPRIZE Foundation.

The partners plan to host a series of AI Grand Challenges to incentivize researchers to address some of the social and societal difficulties of artificial intelligence research. The group is also announcing a best paper award for the greatest contribution to “AI, People, and Society,” to aid in addressing a similar goal.